Sample of Questionnaire
1.     Respondent ID:
2.     Name of respondent:
3.     Place of respondent:
4.     Age of respondent (years):
5.     Gender:              1. Male                  2. Female
6.     Educational level of respondent:        1. Primary level  2. Secondary level 3. Higher level
7.     Ethnicity 1. hindu 2 . Muslim 3. Buddhism 4.other(………………)please specify.
8.     Civic status: 1. Single 2.married 3. Widowhood  4.separated
9.     Family structure: 1.joint family 2.nuclear family 3. Joint extended family
10.                        Household size: 1.male   _________        2.female _________
11.                        Occupation of the respondent
      a.agriculture                   b. Business                   c. service               d. wage labor
a.agriculture                   b. Business                   c. service               d. wage labor

12.                        Land tenure status: 1. Khet                            2. Bari                                  3.Both
13.                        The land is 1. Self cultivated                          2. Rented in                      3. Rented out
14.                        The area of agricultural land
1.     less than 5 kattha
2.     5-15 kattha
3.      15kattha- 1 bigha 
4.      1-bigha-one hectare
1.     less than 5 kattha
2.     5-15 kattha
3.     15kattha- 1 bigha
4.      1-bigha-one hectare
      15. Major cropping pattern
      1. Rice - Wheat - Maize
      2.Rice - Potato - Vegetables
      3.Rice - Peas - Rice
      4.Rice - Lentil - Vegetables
      5.Rice - Mustard/Peas – Vegetables

6.Rice - Potato – Maize
16. annual family income (rs/year) from the following:

a.     cereal crops:_____________
b.     pulse (legume crops):_______
c.      oilseed crops:___________-
d.     large animals:
e.     small animals:
f.       duck/poultry:
g.     off farm:
h.     pension/remmitances:
i.       international labour:
j.       vegetables/fruits:
k.     others (please specify):

17.which one of the following agricultural practices do you follow?
a.     monocropping
b.     sole cropping
c.      multiple cropping
                                           i.            sequential cropping
                                         ii.            inter cropping
                                      iii.            mixed cropping
                                       iv.            relay cropping
                                         v.            ratoon cropping
information about cropped area, purpose for production, production income
purpose for production
area under production

18.Besides agriculture, do you rear livestock or engage in aquaculture?
a.     yes
b.     no
(if yes then describe about it to us)
about livestock:
kind of livestock
number reared
system of feeding
annual incom






about aquaculture:
fish breed
number rared
system of feeding and accomodation

annual income

19.what is the main reason behind doing agriculture?
a.     for self consumption
b.     for exclusively business process
c.      for self consumption and business as well
             d.   others._______

20. (if. in ques no 19 answer is a,) would you like to perform agriculture in commercial scale?
a.     yes
b.     no
c.      yes but due to many problems can't go ahead

21.if answer is c what are the major problems that are lagging you behind?

22.if in ques no 19. answer is (b), are you satisfied with it?
a.     yes
b.     no
if no why?_____________________________________________

23.if in ques. 19 answer is ©, do you think you can transform your agriculture from subsistence to commercial?

a.     yes        
b.     no

if no why?__________________________________________________
following are some of questions that will help us diagnose, some of bottlenecks of agriculture commercialization. answer them accordingly, if you've come across them;
A.  labour problems:          yes                                            no
if yes, it is because:
1.     due to unavailability of labourers
2.     due to high wages of labourers
3.     others(please specify):__________________

B. capital problems:          yes                                            no
       if yes, it is because:
1.     lack of investments
2.     lack of loans with less interest
3.     others(please specify):______________

C. land availability:            yes                                             no
         if yes, it is because:
1.     having less land holding
2.     undiscriminate distribution of land
3.     unavailability of fertile land
4.     others(please specify):_________________

D. problems of marketing:      yes                                           no
            if yes, it is because:
1.     unusal pricing of goods
2.     lack of proper medium(transportation) to markets
3.     no insurance in case of failure of high production
4.     others

E. is there any technical knowledge on high scale and high yielding practices like green house, off season farming, vertical agriculture, hydroponics etc:
        yes                                                    no
      if yes how did you know about it?_________________________________________
      can you practice accordingly?

F. is there facility of irrigation?        yes                              no
G. if yes how?      i.canal system                  ii.drip irrigation                iii.rain fed
H. have you heard about drip irrigation?        yes             no
I. If yes from where? __________________________
J.lack of high yeilding varieties, storage houses and godowns and other basic infrastructures.       yes                                  no
K.  lack of knowledge on rational utilization of fertilizers and pesticides and prevention of pest attacks:      yes                                          no
please specify any other problems which you have come across (if any)

24. what might encourage you towards commercial agriculture?
a.     insurance for production
b.     less middle persons in market
c.      strong infrastructures
d.     subsidies in production inputs
e.     soft loans
f.       all of the above

for those respondents who are involved in commercial agriculture*
25.what kind of crops do you grow?*
a.     staple crops
b.     cash crops(tea, coffee, sugarcane, jute, cardamom)
c.      vegetables
d.     others
if a, do you think growing crops other than staple crops can increase the returns?*
    a. yes                       c.yes, we do not have option
if c, why?__________________________

26. are there any problems regarding commercialization in culture of livestock and fishes?*
a.     yes                                         
b.     no you think following subsistence agriculture will be a threat to ensure our food security in long run?
28. do you think we can revolutionize in our agriculture and make ourselves self sustained and business oriented if majority of the impediments are addressed?
________________________________________________________________________- your opinion, what should be done by organizational groups, NGO, CBDs, GOs, to transform the agricultural form from subsistence to commercial?
30. do you want to address your problems to concerned authority?

thank you very much,
we will give feedback to you soon and will try to mediate your problems to concerned authorities. 


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